The open spa treatment is a compulsory benefit of your statutory health insurance!
The outpatient preventive measure, formerly known as “open spa treatment”, has been a compulsory benefit of the health insurance funds according to § 23 SGB V again since June, 1st 2021. This means that it can once again be prescribed directly by your family doctor.
An open spa treatment usually lasts three weeks. After your health insurance has approved your spa treatment, you book your stay and let us know that you are taking a spa treatment. We will make all the appointments for you with the spa doctor, physiotherapist or other remedies that are also specific to our location, such as a thermal spa.
After your arrival, the spa doctor will prescribe your individually tailored daily treatments such as thermal bathing, massages, fango or physiotherapy. All you have to pay is the one-off prescription fee of €10 and a 10% co-payment on the prescribed services. Many health insurance companies also grant you an allowance for overnight stays – between €13 and €16 per person per day. Simply submit the hotel bill to your health insurance company after your departure.
If the health insurance company rejects your application for a cure, it is worth appealing. The health insurance companies often rely on the ignorance of the insured. Experience shows that two out of three rejected applications for open spa cures are approved after an appeal.
Comfort double room
inkl. Frühstückfür Ihre 3-wöchige Badekur
großzügiger Wohn- / Schlafbereich
Physiotherapie im Haus
Möglichkeit zur Selbstversorgung
alle Hochwald Inklusivleistungen
Junior Suite
inkl. Frühstückfür Ihre 3-wöchige Badekur
Separates Schlafzimmer
Physiotherapie im Haus
Möglichkeit zur Selbstversorgung
alle Hochwald Inklusivleistungen

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